Archive events
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Preview - Zabludowicz Collection Invites: James Ireland
5 May 2016, 6–9pm

Families Create Special: Understanding Your Position
16 April 2016, 2–5pm

Preview - Emotional Supply Chains and Invites: Gaia Fugazza
23 March 2016, 6–9pm

Invites Artist's Presentation: Jemma Egan
6 March 2016, 3–5pm

Performance Night: HypeTime: Pilot - Global Blanding
13 February 2016, 7–9pm

Preview - Use/User/Used/ and Zabludowicz Collection Invites: Jemma Egan
22 January 2016, 6–9pm

Families Create Special: Virtually Christmas
19 December 2015, 2–5pm

Invites Artist's Presentation: Kate Lyddon
6 December 2015, 3–5pm

Guest Tour: Professor Adam Roberts
5 December 2015, 4–5pm

Curator Tour: Rachel Cunningham Clark
21 November 2015, 4–4:30pm