Archive events
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Invites Artist's Presentation: Pio Abad
21 April 2013, 3–5pm

Exhibition tour with Ellen Mara De Wachter, 15 June
20 April 2013, 5–6pm

Andy Holden: Brave Soldier plus support
19 April 2013, 7:30–11pm

You can see it is moving through I probably quote - Patrick Coyle
18 April 2013, 7–9pm

Exhibition Tour with artist Dallas Seitz
13 April 2013, 5–6pm

Exhibition Tour with Elizabeth Neilson
6 April 2013, 5–6pm

ELF presents Lora Hristova artist's talk
24 March 2013, 1–2:30pm

Invites Artist's Presentation: Lora Hristova
7 March 2013, 7–9pm

Exhibition Tour with artists Francesca DiMattio and Matthew Chambers
28 February 2013, 6:30–7:30pm

Invites Artist's Presentation: Lucy Whitford
9 February 2013, 3–4pm

Master Class: Saskia Olde Wolbers
31 January 2013, 7–9pm

International Philosophy (After Python)
27 January 2013, 3–4pm