Casey Jane Ellison
b. 1988, Los Angeles, USA. Lives and works in Los Angeles, USA

Casey Jane Ellison's work invokes pop culture tropes, concepts of the 'self', and institutional critique to probe and parody art and fashion as systems of signification and market driven economies. Positioning herself as both an artist and an outsider, she has featured in gallery shows, produced online media channels, and performed as a stand-up comedian, traversing the contexts of contemporary art, digital connectivity and intimate club spaces. Building on Ellison's precocious persona, recent video work It’s So Important to Seem Wonderful Part II uses animation software to transform the artist into a marionette-like 3D rendering. This alienated self portrait's distorted movement and vacant facial expressions become a vehicle for dead-pan commentary on contemporary lifestyles. Frequently focusing on a female perspective, she is also known for her online talk show Touching the Art, in which she addresses issues affecting women in the art world through conversations with her peers.