David Raymond Conroy
b. 1978, Reading, UK
![David Raymond Conroy](https://cdn.zab.ten4dev.com/uploads/artists/_twoThirdsFull/1_you-people-sunset.jpg?v=1687578207)
David Raymond Conroy makes work that explores personal subjectivity and the complicated status of honesty and sincerity in the production of art. For the exhibition Emotional Supply Chains he produced a new commission, You People Are All The Same (2016), which emerged from time spent in Las Vegas as part of Zabludowicz Collection’s inaugural residency programme there in November 2015. Over footage of city streets a female narrator recounts Conroy’s attempts to research a new artwork, one based on encounters with members of the city’s homeless population. Using a structure familiar from long-form journalism and podcasts such as Serial and This American Life, the work employs music and narrative to engage with tropes of seduction and addiction. The video addresses the moral dilemma of an artist as observer of the other, and the question of how to make a good work or a good gesture.