Eve Sussman
b. 1961, London UK. Lives and works in New York, USA

In her work Eve Sussman translates well known artistic masterpieces into contemporary and captivating interpretations, by integrating sculpture, architecture, and photography in large scale video installations. She founded Rufus Corporation in 2003, which brings together artists of all sorts of disciplines and media. Re-enactment is a key method in Sussman’s work. For instance, Rape of the Sabine Women, 2005, reinterprets the myth of Rome’s origins, by updating Jacques-Louis David’s The Intervention of the Sabine Women, 1794-1799, and bringing it to life. The Infanta, 2004, recreates Diego Velazquez’ Las Meninas, 1656-7. These re-creations allow Sussman to stretch the standards of filmmaking, and blurs the lines between art practices and histories of art.