Geoffrey Farmer
b. 1967, Eagle Island, Canada

Vancouver-based artist Geoffrey Farmer used pictures collected from books to produce Lost Dogs and Half-Eaten Apples. Farmer often works with everyday objects and images, stressing their subjectivity and personal interpretations. His detailed works come together over long periods of time, punctuated by chance occurrences that often provide their subject matter and material. A discarded copy of a Reader’s
Digest publication The Last Two Million Years (1977) found on the street, a complete set of LIFE magazines — these objects have influenced and become part of Lost Dogs and Half-Eaten Apples. Farmer’s assemblage cuts across hierarchies and specific histories, asking what meaning images hold, and what relevance we ascribe to them. The table and chair are like a working desk; a space of investigation. The possibility of rearranging the sculptures is important to Farmer; his installations encourage multiple readings. The title is sourced from one of the books, and evades precise definition, emphasising the fragmentation of meaning and the role of our subconscious in forming intuitive associations.