Graham Hudson
b. 1977, Kent, England

Graham Hudson’s colossal installation On Off was developed as a new commission for the Zabludowicz Collection. Combining a double-helix structure and dynamic sound installation, the work exemplifies Hudson’s idiosyncratic aesthetic of diy amateurism, using readily available construction materials such as mdf, wooden pallets and cardboard boxes to produce an atmosphere of powerfulsensory impressions and playful chaos. The materials point to their original uses in industry, commerce and construction, but gain a new life in Hudson’s installations. His work can also highlights acute contemporary paradoxes, as with the outdoor sculpture Sajida Talfah (2007). Made of oil drums, cardboard boxes and cable drums, and titled after Saddam Hussein’s first wife, the work was sited in the formal gardens of Holland Park, posing tricky questions about moral and social ideologies and drawing connections between religion, politics, the media and the art world.