Ian Forsyth & Jane Pollard

The installation, moving image and performance work of Iain Forsyth & Jane Pollard is concerned with relationship between art and music and within that the associations between 'fan' and 'star'. They often reinterpret seminal performances and video works by both artists and musicians.
Walking After Acconci (Redirected Approaches) (2005) is a restaging of Vito Acconci's 1973 performance and video Indirect Approaches. The grainy, low-resolution aesthetic of Acconci's original has been lavishly remade in the style of a modern pop video, complete with the 21-year-old MC Plan B playing the role Acconci took in the original. The work does more than just pay homage to Acconci's original: it uses the cultural strategy of the remake to explore the relationship between contemporary art and popular culture.
Kiss My Nauman references Bruce Nauman's Art Make-up (1967) in which the artist applies make-up of different colours to his chest, neck and face in a single shot to camera. Forsyth & Pollard have revisited the work replacing Nauman with the four members of the world's longest-running KISS tribute band, Dressed To Kill.