Lizzie Fitch/Ryan Trecartin
Lizzie Fitch, b. 1981, Bloomington, Indiana, USA. Lives and works in Los Angeles, USA. Ryan Trecartin, b. 1981, Webster, Texas, USA. Lives and works in Los Angeles, USA
Lizzie Fitch and Ryan Trecartin met in 2000 while studying their BFAs at Rhode Island School of Design and began collaborating almost immediately. Since graduating both artists developed and maintained solo practices that have informed and inevitably merged with one another, leading to the establishment of the Fitch-Trecartin Studio in Los Angeles in 2010.
Fitch/Trecartin coalesce the mediums of film, sculpture, and sound to create immersive realms in which the viewer is not only watching characters on film but contained within their world during the experience. This audacious practice was visible in their multi-channel video installation Priority Innfield (2013) which combined several separate ‘movies’ that emerged from Trecartin’s frantic style with large scale installations collaboratively produced by the duo in which to watch them. The exhibition was initially commissioned for the 55th Venice Biennale, and then reconfigured for their solo show at Zabludowicz Collection in 2014.