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Ryan Gander, You walk into a space, any space, Or, Poor little girl beaten by the game, 2010,installation view, The Shape We're In, 2011 at Zabludowicz Collection London. Photo: Stephen White
Gander's practice touches on an assortment of subjects and media, ranging from video, text and lectures to painting, animation, children's books and etymology. One of his aims is to explore the systems with which we organize our lives; another is to question the parameters of artistic practice. For
Enough to Start Over, Gander purchased a work by Jonathan Monk entitled In Edition (to tears) and photographed his mother wearing the earrings from the piece. Gander's reuse of these earrings raises questions of ownership and appropriation.
Ryan Gander, You walk into a space, any space, Or, poor little girl beaten by the game, 2010
Ryan Gander, Associative Template # 14 (Machine and Mirrored Walls), 2009
Ryan Gander, And Yes the Effect was really Good, 2006
Ryan Gander, Associative Template # 13, (and you notice the smoke), 2009