Curated Playlists

Playlist #7: Tamu Nkiwane's Playlist
Some music....for quaratine selected by artist Tamu Nkiwane. Check out his Invites Focus here. Listen
Playlist #6: Tired at Breakfast
A selection of songs put together by ZC's Collection and Communications Coordinator Gemma Donovan. An audio diary of her WFH reality, from the isolated mornings to the hopeful afternoons in the sunshine. Listen
Playlist #5: Quentin Quarentino
Curated by ZC Collection Assistant Cassie Ash in collaboration with her mum! Turning to film at this time of self-isolation, we've pulled together some of our favourite music from the films of Quentin Tarantino... "I'd like to know what a five-dollar shake tastes like". Listen
Playlist #4: ambient distraction
Sometimes thinking is too much so here is some ambient distraction for you. Feel free to take a soak in this playlist, there are a couple of ditty's to hum along too but mainly it's beats and bleeps to keep you ticking along nicely. Songs selected by Elizabeth Neilson, Director of Zabludowicz Collection. Listen
Playlist #3: NOSH
This playlist is brought to you by Mamiko Motto, sound artist, music director and GASS record label founder. These tracks feel like a movie sountrack, which you can watch with your ears! Reflecting on the lockdown through the lens of positivity with a comedic approach. The songs transport you on a bizarre journey covering food, happiness, mental health, relationships and our hopes for the future. Listen
Playlist #2: Lock Down, Get Down
These songs capture the extreme ups and downs of my new wfh reality – when the highlights of the day are a walk and a shower, simple housebound pleasures are sometimes needed to transform a low moment… Chosen by Antonia Blocker, Senior Curator: Performance & Engagement. Listen
Playlist #1: Changes, guv’nor
In these days when travel has to be interior excursions only, the tracks on this playlist, put together by Paul Luckraft, senior curator at Zabludowicz Collection, seek to offer a bit of auditory escapism and solace, while reflecting the confusing nature of the here and now. Listen