Andy Holden and Roger Illingworth: Performing the Music of MI!MS

Performing the Music of MI!MS
Andy Holden and Roger Illingworth with Tiffin Chamber Orchestra and Children's Chorus
Rose Theatre, Kingston
Andy Holden has teamed up with Roger Illingworth, childhood friend and fellow band-member from The Grubby Mitts, to rework a series of songs that they initially composed as teenagers, and which will now be performed by pupils from Tiffin School Chamber Orchestra and Tiffin Children's Chorus,the latter comprised of children from primary schools across South West London.
Commissioned by the Stanley Picker Gallery, as part of the International Youth Arts Festival 2013.
For further information and to book FREE tickets please visit the Stanley Picker Gallery website.
This event is part of the Zabludowicz Collection Annual Commission: Andy Holden, realised in partnership with Spike Island, Bristol, supported by Bedford Creative Arts and Stanley Picker Gallery, Kingston University. Recordings from the performance will be included in the final exhibition: Towards a Unified Theory of M!MS running from 26 September – 15 December at Zabludowicz Collection, London.