Andy Holden: Brave Soldier plus support

Brave Soldier was an indie band formed by Andy Holden and James MacDowell when they were 18 years old.
As teenagers they wrote earnest indie rock in the vein of Jonathan Richman and The Modern Lovers.
Now ten years after their last performance they are reunited to bring you a one-off night of acoustic songs, performance and projections.
with support from M!MS artist, Roger Illingsworth.
Friday 19th April doors open 7.30pm
The Studio Club, Alexandra Rd, Bedford
£2 on the door
This event is part of the Zabludowicz Collection Annual Commission: Andy Holden, realised in partnership with Spike Island, Bristol, supported by Bedford Creative Arts and Stanley Picker Gallery, Kingston University. By taking part in this event you are consenting to be filmed and your image and actions may be included in the final exhibition: Towards a Unified Theory of M!MS running from 26 September – 15 December at Zabludowicz Collection, London.