British Sign Language Tour: LuYang NetiNeti

Join Martin Glover as he leads a tour of the exhibition for d/Deaf visitors. This event is for BSL users and is followed by an opportunity to meet others in the group and discuss the show, with refreshments provided.
The tour will last one hour, with one hour following for meeting others.
Martin, deaf BSL user, is an architect and art facilitator. Over the past decade, he has delivered numerous BSL tours, covering many themes relating to contemporary art, architecture and more recently street art. He also manages his Digitspace project, championing better Visual Art access nationally.
This event is FREE, but booking is necessary. Please note this event will NOT be interpreted for a hearing audience. Check below for other tours in our programme.
We are committed to being open and accessible to all. To book this tour you can either register online, email us at or call our front of the house team at +44 (0) 2074288940. Please call or e-mail if the booking link says sold out. If you need assistance with your visit, or getting to the gallery via public transport, just let us know, and we will do everything we can to make sure you have a positive experience.