Guest Tour: Dr. William Viney

Cultural theorist, Dr. William Viney, will lead a tour of the Jon Rafman exhibition exploring ideas of waste and ruin in relation to the artist's work.
Booking recommended
William Viney’s research is at the intersection of literary and cultural
studies, philosophy and medical humanities. His monograph, Waste: A Philosophy of Things,
was published in 2014, expanding on the writings of some of the best
known thinkers in recent history to investigate the complexities of
waste in sculpture, literature and architecture. He has contributed
essays to numerous edited volumes including Desert Island and Aesthetic Fatigue: Modernity and the Language of Waste, both 2013, and journals such as Textual Practice, Cabinet, and Critical Quarterly.
Viney is the Leverhulme Early Career Fellow in Durham University’s
English department and Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Centre for
Medical Humanities. He is currently researching the role of twins in
contemporary art for a forthcoming publication.