Invites Artist's Presentation: Flore Nové-Josserand

Tragic Destinies: A Game of Resilience and Storytelling
To coincide with her Invites exhibition, join Flore Nové-Josserand to play a collaborative story-telling game. Designed and made by the artist in collaboration with psychologist Dr Drey, players use picture and event cards to create characters and tell stories about their lives and relationships with each other. From the mundane to the surreal and the downright farcical, this game allows your imagination to run riot!
3pm: Meet at Zabludowicz Collection for a short introduction to Flore Nove-Josserand's Invites exhibition, led by Kelly Large, Curator: Public Programme.
3.20pm: Walk together to The Grafton Pub.
3.30pm: Meet Flore Nové-Josserand who will introduce the card game. Commence game play!
A full game takes approximately two hours to play but it will be possible to drop in and out. Feel free to come alone or with friends. Some refreshments will be provided as part of the event.
FREE but booking essential.