Last Stop for the Good Old Times coach trip

Andy Holden hosts a coach trip to Bedford to see the sites of MI!MS
Transport, lunch, entertainment and museum entry costs included in the ticket price.
The coach will pick and drop off at the Zabludowicz Collection
Influenced by the Panacea Society, who believed Bedford would play host to the Second Coming of Christ, the day trip will present the town as an alternative Garden of Eden.
Highlights include:
Panacea Museum
A curator led tour of the museum exploring the history of the Panacea Society, a unique religious community founded in 1919. Artefacts in the museum collection include a sealed box of writings, said to contain the secrets of the universe, written by Joanna Southcott, the prophetess who inspired the Society.
A live stand-up comedy gig by Bedford based comedian SIMON MUNNERY including all his best gags about the town.
Cardington Studios
A walk round one of the monumental hangers built during WW1 for airship construction and now used as television and film studios. Scenes from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) and the recent Batman trilogy, amongst other Hollywood blockbusters, have been shot in these vast spaces.
Poppins Restaurant
A local Bedford café frequented by the founding members of MI!MS have produced a special MI!MS menu of classic café meals for the lunch stop.
Bunyan Meeting House and Museum
A tour that looks back on the life of John Bunyan, the renowned seventeenth century puritan preacher and author of The Pilgrim's Progress (1678), using the tableaux, room sets and reconstructions in the museum.
The Last Stop for the Good Old Times coach trip will also include a curator led tour of Andy Holden's exhibition, a drive by the artist's new home in Queens Park Bedford, live entertainment from the artist and his brother Jim Holden and a MI!MS sing-a-long with Roger Illingworth, founding MI!MS member and musician with The Grubby Mitts. Everyone in the group will receive a limited edition Andy Holden art work as a souvenir of the trip.