Master Class: Linder

Testing Ground: Master Class invites leading international artists to share their expertise with a small group of emerging artists from around the country over a week long intensive, led by artist Doug Fishbone.
Join us each evening for a public lecture by the artists.
Tonight: Linder
FREE. Booking Recommended.
Linder (b. 1954, Liverpool, UK) is an internationally celebrated artist who brings together the languages of graphic design, popular culture, high fashion and fine art in the production of photomontages, performances and installation. She studied graphic design at Manchester Polytechnic and started making art around the same time as she became involved in the punk movement. In 1978 Linder published The Secret Public fanzine with Jon Savage, this title was used by the ICA in 2007 for The Secret Public: Last Days of the British Underground 1978 - 1988. In 1978, Linder founded the post-punk experimental group Ludus, which disbanded in 1983 after a provocative performance at the Haçienda club during which Linder wore a dress made of meat. During the last song, Linder removed her skirt to reveal a dildo and screamed “Woman, wake up!” In the 1980s, inspired by the bodybuilder Lisa Lyons, Linder practised weightlifting for four years and staged her body as a found readymade. A large scale retrospective of Linder’s work was held at the Musée d’Art de la Ville de Paris in 2013, followed by solo shows at Kestnergesellschaft, Hannover, Tate St Ives, The Hepworth Wakefield and Blum&Poe Los Angeles. Linder lives and works in the UK.
Master Class 2016 Evening Artist's Lectures:
Wednesday 3 February: Joseph Kosuth
Thursday 4 February: Adam Chodzko
Saturday 6 February: Andy Holden
Sunday 7 February: Linder