Performance Night: HypeTime: Pilot - Global Blanding

Join us for the debut of a newly commissioned performance from London based emerging artists Lea Collet & Marios Stamatis. Part talent show, part weather report, the evening will parody the mass production of culture and off the shelf experiences generated by reality television and the production of a global uniform public space.
Lea Collet & Marios Stamatis work with notions of performativity and power structures in correlation with contemporary rituals, props and bodies in action. But I Have to Say, You Were in Your Element on the Stairs uses the televised Game Show as a format for intertwining characters, roles and performers to push against hierarchies of individual and collective labour and its results. In collaboration with .2dot (Riccardo Tarocco & António Branco), the performance evolves in a combined front and back stage set at the same time. The juxtaposition of designated on air and off air spaces allows the blurring of real and simulated emotions that are transformed into pop songs, techno dancing and reality television dialogues.
Booking recommended.