Pop-Up Cinema: Badlands

During November and December, the Zabludowicz Collection screens classic American movies in parallel with Laurel Nakadate's exhibition.
Screenings start at 4pm and are free
Sunday 20 November, 4pm
Dir. Terrence Malick
The time is late summer at the end of the 1950's and the place a small, placid town in South Dakota. The streets are lined with oak and maple trees in full leaf. The lawns are so neat, so close-cropped, they look crew-cut. Kit Carruthers (Martin Sheen) is twenty-five, a garbage collector who fancies his cowboy boots and his faint resemblance to James Dean. Holly Sargis (Sissy Spacek) is fifteen. Until she meets Kit, she hasn't much interest in anything except her dog and her baton, which she practices twirling in her front yard.
In Badlands, which marked Terrence Malick's debut as a director, Kit and Holly take an all-American joyride across the upper Middle West, at the end of which more than half a dozen people have been shot to death. Narrated with a cool flatness Holly, Badlands is based on the true story of Charles Starkweather who in 1958 went on murderous rampage with his fourteen-year-old girlfriend Caril Fugate leaving ten people dead.
Running time: 93 min