Preview - Annual Commission: Rachel Maclean | Invites: Josefine Reisch | 360: Jordan Wolfson

Join us for a private view and drinks to celebrate the opening of our Annual Commission by Rachel Maclean, Zabludowicz Collection Invites: Josefine Reisch and 360: Jordan Wolfson
Rachel Maclean (b.1987, Edinburgh) has rapidly established herself as one of the most distinctive creative voices in the UK. Creating baroque, hyper-real worlds using green-screen video and computer animation, and playing many of the extravagantly costumed characters herself, Maclean spins razor-sharp fables that combine comedy and horror. Her work offers a powerful critique of contemporary society and its underlying fears and desires.
Josefine Reisch’s works seduce the viewer with haunted textures of the already seen. Working through traditional mediums such as tromp l'oeil painting, portraiture and textile, she creates moments of recognition. She questions the value and validity of European cultural heritage as she reassembles historical moments and figures into jumbled compositions, much like a musical medley. Engaging in a feminist reading of historiography her work triggers new readings and uncertainty within this déjà-vu.
Over the past decade, Jordan Wolfson (b. 1980, New York), has created an ambitious body of work comprised of video installation, digital mix media, and sculpture. In this installation, Wolfson explores the medium’s capacity to isolate and immerse, forcing the audience to confront their desensitization to violence and the disempowerment that is inherent to screen-mediated experiences.