Sarvisalo Open Day 2014

Our upcoming Open Day is a rare chance to see Zabludowicz Collection works and commissions installed on the island of Sarvisalo, Finland. Members of the public are invited to book in advance for tours of our Sarvisalo sites with a representative of the Zabludowicz Collection team.
The island is home to a number of outdoor sculptures and site-specific installations, many the result of the Collection's international residency programme. In addition to these works we are proud to unveil newly commissioned site-specific works by Oscar Tuazon and Corin Hewitt, as well as starting production of a major architectural sculpture by Rachael Champion. Recent works from the Collection by David Brooks, Corin Hewitt and Matt Moser-Clark will also be presented inside the Art Barn at Herman's, one of three sites on the island in which the Collection has installed work.
Due to the uneven terrain and the site specific installations many of the works of art are not accessible to those with sight or mobility issues. Wheelchair access is very limited. Please contact us directly to discuss your needs and we will do what we can to accommodate you.