Performance: Kiik Amor / Jordan Edge - Trans-sonic Worldbuilding
Join us in the gallery for a performance lecture and meditation, presented by Kiik Amor / Jordan Edge.
To begin, Kiik guides the audience through the concept of trans-sonic world-building, and the means to create trans-sonic futures and possible ways of being. They present sound to be a trans-natured, trans-materialist entity that embodies and re-bodies our experiential selves over and over again, letting us enter new and explorative ways of being.
In creating trans-sonic worlds, Kiik proposes that it’s possible to create something beyond human: a language, a doorway, a gateway into different universes. Different sonic powers or sonic-agenda functions for feelings or emotions, which can’t be explained via human language, can be harnessed.
Following the performance lecture, Kiik leads a meditation session. A live, trans-fictional sonic narrative of mutualism, symbiosis and fluid storytelling takes the form of a guided voiceover, blended with live sound, composition, and movement exercises. The narrative of the session is based on trans-sonic worldbuilding and how it influences trans-sonic bodies, listening experiences and perceptions.
Bar and doors at 6pm and performance at 7pm.
Jordan Edge / Kiik Amor is a non-binary / trans artist from the UK working within the field of experimental music and sound art. Their work is based at the intersection of experience design, performance art, and trans-sonic worldbuilding. They present hybrid species, non-human and queer/trans sonic narratives through multidisciplinary experiences. For their artistic work, they manipulate latex, glass, and silicone to create sound sculptures that function as abstract forms of communication.
Jordan also performs under the alias Kiik Amor; an exhilarating live performer, and experimental music composer. Kiik combines savage audio rot, broken pop melodies, and active noise to create diverse hyper-sonic worlds. Kiik detaches herself from reality through liminal performance bodies, abuse of audio and ethereal vocals, crushing any notion of tempo and key. Angelic, surreal, and disorientating music.