Trisha Baga Book Launch

Join us for an evening of drinks and live jazz from Giacomo Smith and friends, to celebrate the publication of the book which accompanies the current Trisha Baga solo exhibition. Music from 7pm, with a special tour led by Zabludowicz Collection curator Paul Luckraft from 7.30pm.
With an introduction by Paul Luckraft, and an essay by artist and writer Clifford Borress, this fully illustrated publication documents key projects in the artist's career, includes installation shots from her Zabludowicz Collection show, and contains a specially commissioned artist's section edited by Baga. The book will be available at a reduced price on the launch night.
The Zabludowicz Collection works with artists to produce limited edition publications that reflect and expand upon their practice on the occasion of their exhibition with the collection.
Forthcoming solo artists’ publications:
Adriano Costa
Sam Falls
Samara Scott
Michael E. Smith
Ryan Trecartin
Previous solo artists’ publications include:
Laurel Nakadate, 365 Days: A Catalogue of Tears
Toby Ziegler, The Alienation of Objects
Matt Stokes, The Gainsborough Packet
Gerry Fox, Living London
More information on these and other books published by the Zabludowicz Collection can be found in our online shop