Zabludowicz Collection Guest Spot: ELF & Martina Mullaney - Artist/Mother/Practice

Zabludowicz Collection Guest Spot hosts one off events by artists and organisations that explore a broad range of ideas connected to the wider culture of art production.
For this Guest Spot, East London Fawcett group (ELF) have invited artist Martina Mullaney to lead a discussion, Artist/Mother/Practice, that explores impediments to art practice for the artist with children. This workshop aims to identify and explore forms of everyday sociality that make the woman artist with children invisible. Does the art and cultural world now feel closed to you because you are the primary or sole care giver? Do you feel intellectually deprived since becoming a mother? Is this because intellectually orientated events do not welcome the presence of your small child? Would you like to study an exhibition without your small child? Would you like the option to? Would you like to attend a curator's gallery talk, (for mothers and babies) during gallery opening times? Are you afraid to tell your gallerist that you are thinking of having a baby? Have you been dropped by your gallery since having your baby?
With an introduction from Emily Pope & Rose Gibbs (ELF arts: Programme Co-ordinators), this discussion is part of a wider season of events produced by East London Fawcett group. The recent art audit campaign launched by ELF revealed that 31% of artists represented by London galleries are women. Following on from ELF's panel discussion at the Richmix Centre 'A Fine Art Degree: Will I Ever Practice?', this series aims to address specific themes raised during the panel discussion and in a broader sense; to what extent this disparity is a product of an entrenched gender imbalance within the art world, and what can be done about it.
Martina Mullaney is an artist and single mother, she graduated from the Royal College of Art in 2004 and is currently a PhD candidate with University of Reading. She initiated the project Enemies of Good Art, in 2009 after the birth of her daughter. Enemies of Good Art is a practice led research project that interrogates the invisibility of the woman artist with children.
Spaces are limited so booking is essential