360: Jeremy Couillard

The Founders of Daytona Beach Also Founded Dayton, Ohio 2018 immerses viewers into a fully interactive 3D game. This VR work from the Zabludowicz Collection references the experiences of visions and altered ways of seeing, alluding to a variety of prophetic seers from eastern mystics, to stock market traders to historical figures such as William Blake. Couillard draws upon the conventions of video games, transporting you to an imagined landscape in which your disembodied form floats past alien creatures and absurd scenarios that evoke the kind of visual logic of dreams. Guided by voices and snippets of audio from a radio tuner, you’re invited to collect seven hidden syllables that once gathered will allow you to return to a corporeal form.
The Founders of Daytona Beach Also Founded Dayton, Ohio is presented in partnership with Daata. The exhibition includes the artist’s augmented reality (AR) works JEF Idle Pose and Nerd Bug Plays the Organ exclusively available on the Daata app. In addition, there will be the chance to experience Couillard’s online solo exhibition and merch store Sasquatch Sex Amulet and Other Objects from Fuzz Spiral, featuring NFTS, Infinite Objects, drawings on paper, t-shirts, scarves, baseball caps, tote bags and USB drives.
All works will be displayed in the gallery shop and foyer.
Exhibiting Artists