A Minute Ago

Oliver Beer, Helen Benigson, Pipilotti Rist, Rachel Rose, Abi Spendlove and Gillian Wearing
A Minute Ago considers the idea of ‘a moment’ through artistic practice: how do we experience a single moment in time, and how do we process, communicate, and reconstruct it. Including performances by live art practitioners and moving image work selected from the Zabludowicz Collection, the exhibition investigates the ways in which a moment can be interrogated through different art forms.
The moving image works presented in A Minute Ago use different formal approaches to capturing, retelling and sharing an individual moment, playing with the affective nature of a momentary experience. Presented alongside, commissioned performative works question the notion of liveness, how performance and moving image intertwine, and how the apparent linearity of chronology can be complicated. The layering of different temporalities serves to highlight the relationship between artist, viewer and performer, calling into question how experiences are shared and who determines their parameters.
The combination of these works activates a live experience in the space. Consisting of artworks which change over time, the exhibition too will be ‘a moment’, changing for each new visitor as the performances progress. From singular events, to six-week durational pieces, the exhibition site will be an ever-changing series of moments, drawing on the precarity of liveness and the difficulty of capturing the moment.
A Minute Ago is curated by students of the MA Culture, Criticism and Curation and MA Performance Design and Practice courses at Central Saint Martins. The participating students are: Jiamin Cao, Veronica Nadine Gisondi, Weiyan Liu, Federico Sargentone and Matilda Slight (MA Culture, Criticism and Curation); and Jeroen Bloemen, Delia Boyano, Nic Brannan, Katarzyna Debska, Nasia Papavasileiou, Georgia Pazarloglou, Irene Ros and Leslie Yao (MA Performance Design and Practice). The latter students will contribute performance works to the exhibition.
Week 1: 18 - 21 January
12.30 – 1.30pm Irene Ros, You, now - Who will drink the tea?
6 – 9pm Leslie Yao, <memory house>
12.30 – 1.30pm Irene Ros, You, now - Who will drink the tea?
All day Leslie Yao, <memory house>
2 – 3pm Irene Ros, You, now - Who will drink the tea?
4 – 5.15pm Nasia Papavasileiou, Ephemeral Ground
All day Leslie Yao, <memory house>, Jeroen Bloemen, #JEROMELESFLEURS
All day Delia Boyano, After Zurbarán: Santa Margarita
Week 2: 25 – 28 January
12.30 – 1.30pm Irene Ros, You, now - Who will drink the tea?
4 – 4.20pm Delia Boyano, After Zurbarán: Santa Emerenciana
4 – 4.40pm Delia Boyano, After Zurbarán: Santa Úrsula
All day Katarzyna Debska, Re-archiving
12 – 4.30pm Georgia Pazarloglou, "A minute of your life" Records Factory Part 1: Recording (for more details and to book a recording slot, click here)
4.45 – 6pm Nasia Papavasileiou, Ephemeral Ground
All day Jeroen Bloemen, #JEROMELESFLEURS
2 – 3pm Irene Ros, You, now - Who will drink the tea?
All day Delia Boyano, After Zurbarán: Santa Casilda
Week 3: 1 – 4 February
12.30 – 1.30pm Irene Ros, You, now - Who will drink the tea?
4 – 4.30pm Delia Boyano, After Zurbarán: Santa Dorotea
12.30 – 1.30pm Irene Ros, You, now - Who will drink the tea?
All day Katarzyna Debska, Re-archiving
4 – 5.15pm Nasia Papavasileiou, Ephemeral Ground
All day Jeroen Bloemen, #JEROMELESFLEURS
2 – 3pm Irene Ros, You, now - Who will drink the tea?
All day Delia Boyano, After Zurbarán: Santa Águeda
Week 4: 8 – 11 February
12.30 – 1.30pm Irene Ros, You, now - Who will drink the tea?
4 – 4.20pm Delia Boyano, After Zurbarán: Santa Engracia
12 -4pm Katarzyna Debska, Re-archiving
12.30 – 1.30pm Irene Ros, You, now - Who will drink the tea?
2 – 3pm: Irene Ros, You, now - Who will drink the tea?
4 – 5.15pm Nasia Papavasileiou, Ephemeral Ground
All day Jeroen Bloemen, #JEROMELESFLEURS
4pm Georgia Pazarloglou, "A minute of your life" Records Factory Part 2: Reveal
All day Delia Boyano, After Zurbarán: Santa Catalina
Week 5: 15 – 18 February
12.30 – 1.30pm Irene Ros, You, now - Who will drink the tea?
4 – 4.40pm Delia Boyano, After Zurbarán: Santa Bárbara
12.30 – 1.30pm Irene Ros, You, now - Who will drink the tea?
All day Delia Boyano, After Zurbarán: Santa Rufina
2 – 3pm Irene Ros, You, now - Who will drink the tea?
4 – 5.15pm Nasia Papavasileiou, Ephemeral Ground
All day Jeroen Bloemen, #JEROMELESFLEURS
Week 6: 22 – 25 February
All day Katarzyna Debska, Re-archiving, Jeroen Bloemen, #JEROMELESFLEURS
4 – 5.15pm Nasia Papavasileiou, Ephemeral Ground