No Thing is Waiting

aaajiao, Korakrit Arunanondchai, Alice Channer, Joshanne Dar, Eloise Hawser, Andy Holden, Jessica Jackson Hutchins, Klara Kristalova, Jung Min Park, Amanda Ross-Ho, Annan Shao, Valerie Snobeck, Jesse Stecklow, Yung Jake, Guan Xiao, Kan Xuan and Able Zhang
In No Thing is Waiting there are no clocks. The visitor is encouraged to consider time outside of minutes and hours, and instead in relation to object(ive) experiences. The past year has fundamentally changed how we perceive time, becoming ever more quantified by 40-minute video calls, 5pm press conferences and beer garden booking systems. But this is just our perspective. Bringing together 17 multi-generational artists, No Thing is Waiting proposes our experience of time could be reconstructed through engaging with artworks that embody processes and continuation. The exhibition aims to disrupt our habitual perception of time by rewinding bodily rhythms through the use of colour, shifting daylight, changeable sonic tempos and multiple viewpoints. Here, time is stretched, contracted, and relative.
As a counterpart to the physical sphere, the exhibition features a virtual space that hosts screenings and digital works. At odds with the general assumption of the online as atemporal and eternal, the microsite is set to exist only for the duration of the physical exhibition and transition over this period.
No Thing is Waiting explores the idea that artworks exist in their own realities, independently from human thought, as autonomous entities. The show creates a space where we – human and artwork – can collectively occupy manifold trajectories in time; to be experienced, not measured. The exhibition raises the questions: Who does time belong to? Can time be shared between person and object? The exhibition is poised between answers, presenting a state of in-between, a moment to reconsider our relationship to time, to wipe the slate clean and continue anew.
No Thing is Waiting is curated by Jessica Wan and Anna Nesterenko, who are students from MA Curating and Collections at Chelsea College of Arts, UAL. The exhibition includes a series of tours, online screenings and a live performance; more details will be announced on Zabludowicz Collection’s website and social media.