Design Collection Loans to the Design Museum, Helsinki

Zabludowicz Collection is pleased to announce the loan of 19 design pieces to the Design Museum in Helsinki for the exhibition ‘Collectors and Collections’. Opening on 24 October, this exhibition will display selected items from many private Finnish Collections, often inaccessible to the public. Through this exhibition they will be seeking the answer to many questions including how and by whom is Design collected?
Our Zabludowicz Collection loans in collaboration with Tamares Real Estate Holdings, Inc. include a number of beautiful Savoy Vases and Paimio Sanatorium furniture by Alvar Aalto, two 1960s Birds by Birger Kaipiainen, the Tapio Wirkkala "Breznevin malja / Amerikan vaasi" (Breznev´s bowl / American vase), a centrifugal-cast glass bowl which was originally commissioned by the Office of the President of Finland in 1976, and four examples of Paavo Tynell lighting.
Helsinki’s Design Museum is housed in the former building of the Brobergska Samskolan high school designed by Gustav Nyström in 1895.
‘Collectors and Collections’ will be on display in Helsinki until 15 March 2020 and more information can be found on the Design Museum’s website HERE.