Athena Papadopoulos, Leaves that Talk Dirty Making Curlies Stand Straight, (A Disaster You May Want to Avoid), 2019
6 May 2020
Athena Papadopoulos, Leaves that Talk Dirty Making Curlies Stand Straight, (A Disaster You May Want to Avoid), 2019, from The Apple Nun, Liebaert Projects, 2019.
Invites Focus: Athena Papadopoulos
Each fortnight we will be focussing on one Invites alumni, giving access to interviews, installation views, releasing exclusive new content and links to recent and upcoming projects. For this Invites Focus we are delighted to present a number of specially produced music videos: each one a combination of documentation of Athena Papadopoulos’ sonic-sculptures from The Apple Nun her stand out solo show at Lieberts Projects (2019).
Materials used in the work include: steel and metal household and medical furniture, epoxy glue, wire, stuffing, clothing, gauze, hair dye, coloured hairspray, pva glue, varnish, stuffed animals, taxidermy, feathers, dollhouse furniture, gynaecological instrument, photographs, thread, ipod shuffle, speaker, and sound.
Courtesy of the artist, Liebaert Projects, Kortrijk and Emalin, London. Photography: Alexandra Colmenares
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