Anna Uddenberg 'BFF Twin Torso' showing in David Roberts Art Foundation's group show
15 September 2016

A mixed media sculpture by artist Anna Uddenberg features in Streams of Warm Impermanence, a group exhibition at David Roberts Art Foundation, London. BFF Twin Torso, 2015, is a continuation of the artist's fascination with shifts in how the body is experienced and understood in the wake of the digital revolution.
Centred on the concept of 'Networked-Flesh', which questions how global systems may inform and be informed by physicality, Streams of Warm Impermanence also features work by a number of artists featured in the Zabludowicz Collection, including Dora Budor, Ann Hirsch, Athena Papadopoulos, and this year's Annual Commission artist Donna Huanca.
Streams of Warm Impermanence opens 15 September and continues until 10 December 2016. For more information please visit the DRAF website.