Hand Earth Gesture Return at Coventry Canal Basin
18 July 2022

At the end of June, the Zabludowicz Collection hosted a free workshop for all ages, where participants made flowers out of clay to be included in a public art installation, at Coventry Canal Basin as part of Hands Earth Gesture Return.
Free to attend and visit from 12-8pm every day, the installation was open to the public from Tuesday 12 July until Sunday 17 July.
The temporary installation was a site-specific collaboration between artists from the UK and India. Made from earth, straw and water - natural, locally grown, sourced and sustainable materials - it celebrates the universality of nature and the raw and organic energy generated during the processes of making.
Across the week were lots of activities, including drop-in clay making, music performances, a floating cafe/bar, BSL events, and much more.
We were delighted to play a part in this fantastic event!
Further information can be found on the Pangaea Centre website.