Open auditions for Andy Holden’s MI!MS project
11 March 2013

Open auditions for a film set in Bedford Actors and artists and musicians are wanted to take part in a film about an artist group from Bedford.
Artist Andy Holden will be making a new film and is looking for eight young actors (aged 15 -‐ 26) and a group of extras, to feature in the project. This will involve taking part in a few performances and performing some dialogue from auto-‐cues.
Open casting will be held on Saturday 23rd March at the Bunyan Meeting Rooms, Bedford from 10.30am – 3.30pm.
Information about the film, and the parts available, will be provided on the day. All are welcome to come and meet the team, find out about the roles, and make a short audition or screen test.
Filming will take place across a few days in June and July later this year.
All those cast will be paid a fee and all extras will be paid expenses or a contribution for their time.
Recent films by Andy Holden have been shown at the Tate Gallery in London and broadcast on Channel 4. For further information or to book a time slot for an audition contact: . or Bedford Creative Arts on . or 01234 818670
Image: Andy Holden's studio