Rachel Maclean at Talbot Rice Gallery
19 February 2018

Spite Your Face, 2017 offers a powerful critique of violent misogyny and contemporary ‘post truth’ political rhetoric. Referencing the Italian folk-tale The Adventures of Pinocchio, the work is a dark morality tale crafted in a gold-saturated aesthetic influenced by Renaissance painting, video games and tourist gift shops. Spite Your Face, first shown as the national presentation of Scotland at the 57th International Art Exhibition, the Venice Biennale, was commissioned by Scotland + Venice, curated by Alchemy Film & Arts in partnership with Talbot Rice Gallery and the University of Edinburgh.
For the Zabludowicz Collection’s 2018 Annual Commission, Maclean will present new work alongside works held in the Collection, presented in specially designed installations. Audiences will also have the chance to experience the film Spite Your Face.
Rachel Maclean Spite Your Face, 2 February - 5 May at Talbot Rice Gallery, The University of Edinburgh.