Sam Falls' September Spring opens at The Kitchen, New York
9 September 2015

An exhibition of installation work with an accompanying performance programme conceived by Sam Falls will open tonight at The Kitchen, New York. For September Spring, Falls has collaborated with dancers Hart of Gold (Jessie Gold and Elizabeth Hart) to produce choreography for a soundtrack of music by the artist's band Oldd News. The performances by Hart of Gold will culminate in the production of 24 new paintings each day. The exhibition is conceived as a tribute to Jamie Kanzler, a long-term collaborator of Falls, who died aged 24 in 2013.
September Springwill open 9 September 2015 with the debut performance commencing at 7pm. The exhibition will continue until 10 October 2015, with daily performances at 5pm. For more information please visit The Kitchen website.
In 2014, Sam Falls participated in the Zabludowicz Collection Residency Programme in Sarvisalo, Switzerland. The work he produced there was then exhibited as part of solo exhibition at Zabludowicz Collection, London.