Sound Spill Artist List Announced
16 April 2013

Cory Arcangel, André Avelãs, John Baldessari, Trisha Baga, Michael Bell-Smith, Ben Cain, Peter Coffin, David Raymond Conroy, Melissa Dubbin and Aaron S. Davidson, Peter Fischli and David Weiss, Lesley Flanigan, James Hoff, Stephen Sharp and Roc Jiménez de Cisneros, Lucky Dragons, Oliver Payne, Amalia Pica, Seth Price, Hannah Sawtell, Lorenzo Senni, Ben Vida, Raphaël Zarka
Sound Spill is an ongoing project by Thom O'Nions, Richard Sides and Haroon Mirza. This will be its fifth manifestation after versions online and in the UK at S1, Sheffield; Spike Island, Bristol and Seventeen, London as well as at West in Den Haag, The Netherlands. The project sets out to examine how sound inhabits an exhibition space, particularly the way in which it spills or bleeds into and between art works.
This iteration of the project will be divided into two sections, the first on the 7th floor of the building and the second on the 33rd floor.
The 7th floor contains a set of prexisiting works, including works from the Zabludowicz collection, alongside a new commission by Trisha Baga. The interaction of the sound made by each work dictates and structures their arrangement, creating a composition. This model allows for unexpected relationships to be highlighted between works in contrast to a traditional thematic approach to exhibition-making.
For the 33rd floor section of the project the curators have worked with Aaron S Davidson and Melissa Dubin, incorporating their project Volumes for Sound into the exhibition. Davidson and Dubbin were invited to produce a new set of speaker sculptures which the curators put forward to a group of 8 artists, asking them to produce a new multichannel sound work that responded to the ideas of the Sound Spill exhibition as well as addressing the particularities of the Volumes for Sound project.