Time-Based Media
All mediums are in flux, but some actively record and display time. Time-Based Media describes any medium where the time is a constituent dimension, meaning the duration of the work is used to describe it physically, rather than its height or width. Video, digital film and virtual reality are at the heart of the Zabludowicz Collection because they are at the forefront of contemporary art practice. Often these are works that are made for specific installations, such as the enveloping projections of Trisha Baga, or the sculptural seating cabinets of Jon Rafman.
Film and video art can take many forms, such as the highly narrative that responds to cinema, television and internet culture, such as the work of Rachel Maclean, through to structuralist approaches which concern themselves more explicitly with materiality and notions of time, as seen in the practices of Amie Siegel and Erin Shirreff.
Zaludowicz Collection has been at the forefront of the renewed interest in virtual reality as an artistic medium, acquiring and presenting works in our 360 strand by artists such as Rachel Rossin and Jordan Wolfson. Virtual reality allows artists to place the viewer inside an all-encompassing digital environment, expanding the possibilities for time-based media to act physically as well as conceptually and emotionally on the body.
Zabludowicz Collection was a founder advisor to daata a commercial platform for collecting digital art in 2015, every work commissioned for that platform is also held in the Collection as well as a number of public and private collections around the world.
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